[შეწევ]ნითა ქ(რისტ)ჱსითა მ[ე]ფარნ[ავაზ]და აზარუხტ შეხუა[ბ]თ ესე კარი სალოცველად[ჩ(უე)ნ(და)][დ]ა[შჳლთა][ჩ(უე)ნთა]
ნითა ქ ჱსითა მ ფარნ და აზარუხტ შეხუა თ ესე კარი სალოცველად ა
<ab xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
<lb n="1" /><w lemma="შეწევნა"><supplied reason="lost">შეწევ</supplied>ნითა</w>
<w lemma="ქრისტე"><expan><abbr><am><g type="chi-rho"></g></am></abbr>ქ<ex>რისტ</ex>ჱსითა</expan></w>
<w lemma="მე">მ<supplied reason="lost">ე</supplied></w>
<persName><forename nymRef="ფარნავაზ">ფარნ<supplied reason="lost">ავაზ</supplied></forename></persName>
<w lemma="და">და</w>
<persName><forename nymRef="აზარუხტ">აზარუხტ</forename></persName>
<w lemma="შებმა">შეხუა<supplied reason="lost">ბ</supplied>თ</w>
<w lemma="ესე">ესე</w>
<w lemma="კარ">კარი </w>
<w lemma="სალოცველ">სალოცველად</w>
<w lemma="ჩუენ"><supplied reason="lost"><expan>ჩ<ex>უე</ex>ნ<ex>და</ex></expan></supplied></w>
<w lemma="და"><supplied reason="lost">დ</supplied>ა</w>
<w lemma="შვილ"> <supplied reason="lost">შჳლთა</supplied></w>
<w lemma="ჩუენი"><expan><supplied reason="lost">ჩ<ex>უე</ex>ნთა</supplied></expan></w></ab>
By the aid of Christ, I, Parnavaz and Azarukht set this door for the payers for our souls and our children.
Critical Aparatus:
- ფარნავაზ
ფარ(სმა)ნ ე(რისთ)ვმ(ა)ნ
- ჩუენ
- შვილ ჩუენი
According to the Corpus of Georgian inscriptions by Nodar Shoshiashvili, the inscription N 4 was first published by Mari Brose in 1838. The Inscription does not have spaces. The words are not separated from one another and the symbol of abbreviation is a small, straight horizontal line (its remains are only visible on the second word in the text). The inscription is quite archaic in paleographic terms. The graphemes ბ, ჳ have their tops engaged. In linguistic terms a special interest attracts to the Khanmeti type verbal form: შეხუაბთ (ხ - - is the indirect object pronoun of the third person.
The question of date: According to Akaki Shanidze, the inscription must belong to the first part of the 6th century. Levan Muskhelishvili believes that it must be contemporary to the building of the church.